Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Using Sketchbook MobileX to write & draw on phone pix

Since it's kind of fun to write and draw on phone pix, I thought it'd be handy to do a quick tutorial on using the (currently) free Sketchbook MobileX on the iPhone since it's not the most intuitive app if you're not used to drawing programs in general. BTW, though I use an iPhone, Sketchbook is also available for Android.

When you open up the app, you get this screen:

Yup, just a white screen with a little cog at the bottom.  Hit the cog and a palette of options will open up:

The writing/drawing tools (pencil, airbrush, brush) are circled in orange. The color wheel is circled in purple. The layers options is circled in blue. The black arrows are pointing to the Undo (red arrow) and Redo (green arrow) options. And the green arrow is pointing to the option when you want to export your pic to the photo library or start a new sketch.

To draw on a picture, hit the layers option, and you'll get this screen:

Hit the plus sign with the flower behind it to import a pic from your photo library:

 The pic should pull up in the Layer Editor.  Then hit the Back button at the top:

You'll have your pic on your "canvas":

Hit the little cog at the bottom to pull up your options:

Select a writing/drawing tool --it will highlight in blue as above (I selected the brush).  Hit the color wheel and pick a color:

Now you'll probably want to change the brush size (the default on mine was HUGE).  Put your finger in the center of the the center option that's labeled "Brush Properties" and slide horizontally to adjust brush size (sliding vertically adjusts opacity).

Hit the cog (to make the palette of options disappear) and start drawing/writing.  If you want to hit the Undo key, you'll have to hit the cog and pull up the palette of options.  BTW, hitting the eraser tool here will not just erase writing, it erases the picture--this eraser tool is more handy when you're doing multiple layers.   When you're done, hit the cog again and hit the "+" in the upper left corner to export your new pic to save it in the photo library.

Ta da!  This is the gist of drawing/writing on pictures with Sketchbook MobileX!  It may take a little trial and error the first time you're using this app, but it's pretty easy once you know how to pull stuff up and adjust color and size.  Play around with it--there's plenty more you can do with this app!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Drawing and writing on iPhone pics

Every once in a while I like to write on pictures on my iPhone. Like this pic could use a little direction or explanation, right?

For handwriting, I use Adobe Ideas (which was free when I got it last year). Drawing on a pic comes in handy when you want to highlight something:

But sometimes my handwriting (especially on a tiny iPhone screen) can be a bit lacking:

So I erase the handwriting, save the pic:

And open it in Phonto (which is currently still free) to add text:

It's kind of pain using two apps, but I love the selection of fonts and flexibility (in terms of sizing, color, and placement) of Phonto. It's really easy and intuitive to use and you can even upload your own fonts to it if you want. Plus it's hard to complain when both apps are free!

Unfortunately, Adobe decided to charge for Adobe Ideas now and I can't really recommend it simply for handwriting for $9.99.  But when it comes an app where you can draw and write on a picture, I've heard great things about SketchBook Mobile (which is currently $1.99) for where one can write on iPhone pix (and more).  I downloaded the (currently) free "lite" version, SketchBook MobileX, and it gets the job done for simply writing on a pix (though I'll say it wasn't the most intuitive when I wanted to re-size the brush):

If anyone can suggest any cool apps that one can both draw and add some excellent fonts, I'm all ears!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

I was excited to see Wes Anderson's latest movie, Moonrise Kingdom. The Royal Tenenbaums is one of my favorite movies.  But I think what I love overall about his movies is the art direction of them.  I love this color palette pic someone assembled:

I enjoyed Moonrise Kingdom but I have to say the art direction trumped the story. It was a story of two young pre-teens who "run away" together on a New England island on a stormy night. I did enjoy the performances (especially Edward Norton and Tilda Swinton), but I really enjoyed the look and feel of the film. From the fabricated books and phonograph young Suzy carried around, to the scout camp setup, to Suzy's home, to the fantastic cast of the Noah's Ark play at the church, to the each character's style and makeup, the look was magical and mesmerizing to me.

I highly recommend it to anyone who appreciates unique art direction. Frankly I want to see it again so I can enjoy the it again--so imaginative and inspiring!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Me and You in Draw Something

Still enjoying Draw Something, especially when you get to personalize it. I love this one my friend did of me--I look way cooler in Draw Something than I do in real life:


Though it seems it's less flattering when I do myself:


Yeesh--not the most realistic self-portrait--I don't even have a blue bikini!


But I do enjoy personalizing it with other friends:




When responses are slow on my Draw Something queue, it's fun to get a little more elaborate and personalize these when you get an opportune word.  It makes it a little more fun and creative, right?